Download the Pre-administration Parameters Tracking Tool for use before and during treatment with ELZONRIS.
Download the full ELZONRIS Dose Preparation Instructions.
Recommended dosage modifications

Weight-based 12 mcg/kg IV dose1
Prior to preparing ELZONRIS in subsequent cycles, it may be necessary to modify the dose. Monitor vital signs and check albumin, transaminases, and creatinine prior to preparing each dose of ELZONRIS.1
- Prior to the first dose of the first cycle, ensure serum albumin is ≥3.2 g/dL before administering ELZONRIS1
Well-defined dose modification guidelines have been established for ELZONRIS administration1
Parameter1 | Severity criteria | Dosage modification |
Serum albumin | Serum albumin |
See CLS Management Guidelines |
Body weight | Body weight increase |
See CLS Management Guidelines |
AST or ALT | ALT or AST increase >5 times the upper limit of normal | Withhold ELZONRIS until transaminase elevations are |
Serum creatinine | Serum creatinine |
Withhold ELZONRIS until serum creatinine resolves to |
Systolic blood pressure | Systolic blood pressure |
Withhold ELZONRIS until systolic blood pressure is |
Heart rate | Heart rate |
Withhold ELZONRIS until heart rate is |
Body temperature | Body temperature ≥38°C | Withhold ELZONRIS until body temperature is <38°C |
Hypersensitivity reactions | Mild or moderate | Withhold ELZONRIS until resolution of any mild or moderate hypersensitivity reaction. Resume ELZONRIS at the same infusion rate |
Severe or life-threatening | Discontinue ELZONRIS permanently |
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CLS, capillary leak syndrome; IV, intravenous.
Ensure the patient meets all requirements prior to ELZONRIS administration1
- Reference:
- ELZONRIS [prescribing information]. New York, NY: Stemline Therapeutics, Inc.; July 2023.